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Installing Husarnet on MacOS

Caution: Our MacOS client is Work-in-Progress. Some things might not yet work exactly like in Linux client, and stability is not guaranteed. Feel welcome to report bugs and remarks on our Community Forums.

Caution: Currently, we only support Apple Silicon devices (M1 arm architecture)

The binaries are available through Homebrew. You need to add our 'nightly', tap, as MacOS client is not yet in stable.

brew tap husarnet/tap-nightly
brew install husarnet

After installation finishes, you have to start the daemon and install it into launchctl, this is done via single command (requires sudo):

sudo husarnet daemon service-install

After couple of seconds you can check the status:

husarnet status

If the output looks OK, use Join Code to join a network:

husarnet join <JOINCODE> my-windows-dev


Homebrew will let you know if the update is available. After you run the usual brew upgrade or brew install husarnet to only update husarnet package, Homebrew is unable to restart the running daemon, because it has no sudo privileges. That means after update you will need to execute:

sudo husarnet daemon restart

The CLI will notify you, if the version of daemon currently running in the system is different than the installed one.